Who needs a road?

Currently reading:
Who Needs a Road: the Story of the Longest and Last Motor Journey Around the World.

This book, which I got on loan from ILS is a great, true story following a couple guys as they drive around the world. Interestingly, although the book was most recently printed in 1999 and the South Carolina library that I rented it from got it in 2000 I appear to be the first reader of its stiff, soft-cover bound genius.

A great story about a group of guys back in the 60s who were the last guys to drive around the world. Presently a guy named Nicolas Rapp is trying to do the first Trans-world expedition since those guys went. Nicolas was an art director at the AP before he decided to take a year hiatus for the trip. As of this morning he was in Huehuetenango Guatemala. One of the guys from the original expedition told him the trip could no longer be done...I personally believe they enjoy being the last ones to go around the world. However, there are a lot of things that could happen. If you want to follow his journey his blog is: http://transworldexpedition.com/

Nicolas is also on twitter, he updates as he hits different towns, his twitter account is: Trans_World

He is taking a different route, and a different technique. Whereas the guys from the 60s took 2 cars for a lot of the trip and a pop-up camper. Nathan is taking a Toyota Landcruiser, which, already in the first few weeks of his trip has given him a lot of grief. Then again, compared to how many times the 1960s group were fixing the camper in just the first 120 pages of the nearly 500 in the book...I think he'll have better luck. He has a tent that pops up on-top of his Landcruiser, which you can see pictures of on his blog that he updates at least a couple times in a week.

One Response so far.

  1. BonnieAnn says:

    Look at you being a power library-user. Who pays for books? Suckers!

    I'll definately have to add this blog to my RSS. Looks interesting.