forgot day 2
so i'll post this morning to try to keep my missed days on the low end :)
yesterday i taught my friend to use ILL :) now there will be another cool kid not buying books.
About Me
Hi! I'm Ruth.
I've been designing things since a very young age. In fact, my first major piece of artwork was at the age of two on a freshly painted kitchen wall. It needed a colorful crayon mural...I saw and I conquered.
Currently my blog is in a bit of an overhaul. Soon this blog will actually be used! Mini adventures and design inspirations are on their way :) For now click the links above to find me on twitter or check out my portfolio. Ciao!
Yea, Ruth! You're what some of my PR friends like to call an "evangelist." When you total buy into a brand (like the Library) you enjoy telling people about it. Thanks for still being part of the Library's Communications Team!