A year in review
The past year I've done quite a few things
- Was a new graphic design graduate, looking for my "big girl" job. Worked at Stillwater Living Magazine and the PR office at OSU's Edmon Low Library. Got my big girl job and started at Fire Protection Publications as a senior graphic designer on 4-20.
- Got to meet Chip Kidd!
- Lost a little weight...if anything I didn't gain any more :D
- Moved to my own apartment with Nick.
- Put up my first christmas tree at said apartment with my great-grandma muds ornaments
- Bought my first car 2009 Honda Civic, I love it!
- Made a bunch of new friends at my new office.
- Kept in touch with my old friends.
2010 is a time to start even more fun, thoughts for the new year.
- Stay up to date with new designs.
- Join a design group or hell, maybe start up my own in Stillwater. I know I'm not the only designer here :)
- Work on my patience/keeping positive...perhaps I'll do a joy drive down Main Street during rush hour for fun.
- Send out more letters, mail is becoming an art form of the last century, I'm bringing it back! receiving letters is fun and besides, even though the stamp price has gone up hand delivering something for $.44 is really quite amazingly cheap.
- On that same note, I'm thinking of sending some cookies to people, just for the fun of it.
- And as with everyone else on the planet, I'm going to work on being a healthier person.
About Me
Hi! I'm Ruth.
I've been designing things since a very young age. In fact, my first major piece of artwork was at the age of two on a freshly painted kitchen wall. It needed a colorful crayon mural...I saw and I conquered.
Currently my blog is in a bit of an overhaul. Soon this blog will actually be used! Mini adventures and design inspirations are on their way :) For now click the links above to find me on twitter or check out my portfolio. Ciao!
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